Leamington Council has passed a by-law making it mandatory to wear a cloth mask in indoor public spaces within...
OPP have issued an arrest warrant for a suspect wanted in a Leamington shooting. The shooting happened around 130am...
The Boil Water Advisory for Union Water Supply System users in the Municipality of Leamington has been lifted. It...
OPP have identified a suspect in a Lemaingtomn shooting. The shooting happened around 130am on July 19th, 2020 on...
The Windsor Essex Health Unit has issued a boil water advisory for a section of the Union Water System...
OPP are looking for a suspect after a shooting in Leamington. Police say it happened around 1:30am on July...
Leamington is cancelling the rest of events planned for this summer as well as day camps. Cancelled events include...
Leamington is looking to develop and implement a Waterfront Destination Master Plan. The plan will be a visionary document...