Back in 2005 the City of Windsor added poppies to a number of streets that were named for battles...
The Afghanistan & Peacekeepers Memorial was dedicated in September 2014 in Reaume Park. The south face is the Peacekeeping...
Saturday morning, the Windsor-Essex community is invited to come together and honour the men and women of the Canadian...
Located in Dieppe Gardens, west of Ouellette Avenue near the Detroit River. The Naval Monument is dedicated to the...
Located in Jackson Park. Land: Lest we forget our departed comrades. Their memory is as dear today as in...
This monument is dedicated in memory of the service personnel of World Wars I, II, Korea and Peacekeeping from...
Located in Dieppe Gardens, the RAF/RCAF Monument features three World War II scale model aircraft. Created by local sculptor...
This memorial features replicas of a World War II Hurricane and Spitfire, and was installed in Jackson Park as...