The Town of Kingsville's Communities in Bloom committee hosts the first of several dance fundraisers at the Grovedale Arts...
On Monday, the remaining construction on Road 2 East between Graham Sideroad and Union Avenue gets underway. This work...
. The Town of Kingsville has hired its first Economic Development and Tourism Officer. Sue Rice will assume the role...
Kingsville is hosting a Roundtable to discuss the Cedar Island Marina. The roundtable will provide an opportunity to review progress...
This year has been named the year of the garden by the federal government, and Kingsville is planning a...
Kingsville has hired a new Manager of Parks and Recreation. Courtney Godfrey takes on the role starting on Monday...
A Ukraine Fundraiser and Pasta Dinner held on April 5th at Kingsvilles Grovedale Arts & Culture Centre raised $25,600....
Jeremy Tiborcz of Kingsville won big playing Instant Top Up. Tiborcz took home the jackpot of $50,004.10. Instant Top...