Broken City Lab's new community / multi-use space in downtown Windsor at 411 Pelissier called CIVIC SPACE, will be...
Scarecrows for Charity is a unique contest where you can design your own scarecrow and help charity out at...
Korda Productions presents its fifth Charles Busch play, The Divine Sister, opening this weekend. The play centered around a...
1st/3rd Wednesdays is a series put on by the Arts Council Windsor Region in hopes of creating a collaborative...
Artcite Inc, Windsor's Artist-run Centre for the Contemporary Arts presents Summer Art Fest 2012 this July and August. Following...
It’s no secret: With the busiest border crossing in North America on our shoulders, and one of the heaviest...
The WindsorEssex Community Foundation and the City of Windsor with funding from the Canadian Department of Heritage are looking...
Patrons at the 34th annual Art in the Park were treated to unexpected sunshine, Saturday morning. The festival which...