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Fit-Life Challenge: What a Fit-Life!!!

Friday December 14th, 2012, 8:00am


Hello time traveller!!
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How thankful CK and I are to be amongst these 4 Fit-Life Challengers, they work their butts off every single day and they are ALL reaching their goals. If they aren’t in class they are doing some form of cardio, swimming or training on their own time, they are also eating better then maybe they have in their whole life!

Stacey is always hitting up our AXFIT Workout Videos with her roommates at home and WOW does it show.  Stacey looks like a little athlete, she is a powerhouse in class and I love training her.

Angela has done 45 Adrenaline classes since we started this Challenge 8 weeks ago, it’s incredible and in 10 years of training I have never seen someone more dedicated to my training.  She plans on doing 55 by the 22nd of this month, so let’s cheer her on and watch her hit her goal.  This women went from taking more breaks during my class then actual training time to kicking ass for the whole hour. She is fast and stronger than ever, her endurance is 100 times better with high jumps and lower squats.  Angel is a force to be reckon with and it brings peace to her everywhere she goes.

The classes are going strong, our Adrenaline Junkies love cheering them on, especially John he makes the funniest expressions I have ever seen in my years of training.  Always with a beet red face and he sweats so much he has to take his glasses off.. lol and by the looks of the way he moves around with them off..haha I think he should get some contacts.  John is looking AMAZING. He is inspiring so many people and all our members love him.  He makes everyone laugh and he is so grateful to be apart of it all.

I am so excited to  see everyones final results, cause every class that they waltz into my jaw drops!!!  On Monday I looked over at the door and Michelle walked in, she looks like a whole new women..haha, even her eyes look brighter!! She is shrinking away and pumping out all the drills I give her in class she is incredible and I am so so proud. The other day she told us she was putting her kids at school through some routeins and she felt so confident and excited about it.  That was a big thing for her when we first met Michelle, amongst other reasons for this life change she wanted to inspire the kids she teaches at school.  Well you do more then just that Michelle.. WAY TO GO!!

Check out a few clips from what they have been doing in class the past week.


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