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City Of Windsor Salting And Ploughing Update

Saturday December 14th, 2013, 5:36pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 3876 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

The City of Windsor says that salting and ploughing of main routes will continue through the night, after which time ploughing of residential streets will begin at 6am Sunday.

They have some tips for both residents and motorists:

  • Over the next couple of days if you must leave your home by car, please stay alert, slow down and stay in control. Leave plenty of time to reach your destination safely.
  • Snow ploughs provide a vital public service by keeping roads clear of heavy snow and slush. Please be patient; give ploughs plenty of room; and think twice about passing them. Ploughs tend to travel at 40 kilometres per hour. Following too close can lead to poor visibility and contact with thrown snow.
  • Cyclists and E-Bike users should use extreme caution and are strongly advised to consider alternate means of transportation.
  • Wherever possible, please remove vehicles from the street by parking in a driveway, or if available, in a nearby parking lot. This will allow ploughs to clear snow from streets in an effective manner.
  • Residents are reminded to shovel the sidewalks abutting their property. It’s neighbourly, and it’s the law. Enforcement of sidewalk clearing will begin once residential street ploughing is completed.
  • During the ploughing process, snow is pushed to the side of the road, and it may be deposited at the end of your driveway or sidewalk, dependant on the level of accumulation in the street. The property owner is responsible for clearing the driveway after this has occurred. Please be aware that under the Highway Traffic Act and City of Windsor By-laws residents are prohibited from shovelling snow back onto the street while cleaning their sidewalks and driveways, as this creates unsafe road conditions for motorists.

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