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Trees For Life Announces 650 Trees To Be Planted In Windsor

Tuesday October 8th, 2024, 5:20pm


A new initiative is set to transform Windsor’s green spaces as 650 trees will be planted in the city through a collaboration between the national charity Trees for Life, the Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP) and the City of Windsor.

“We’re excited to continue the tradition of the partnership with the OACFP by creating a new partnership with the City of Windsor,” said Michael Hurley, Executive Director of Trees for Life. “The result will of course be enhanced public spaces, but perhaps what’s even more special is that now, if someone with a connection to the city of Windsor donates to Tree for Life to have a tree dedicated to a friend, family member or a beloved hero, they can take comfort in knowing that we’ll be planting hundreds of trees right here in this community. Huge thanks to everyone at the Government of Canada, the OACFP and the City of Windsor that have made this possible.”

The announcement was made by the charity at a special tree planting ceremony at Elizabeth Kishkon Park in Windsor on Monday, October 7th. Representatives from Trees for Life, The OACFP, the City of Windsor and Government of Canada were present to commemorate the event and plant the first ceremonial tree. This marks the beginning of a new partnership with Trees for Life and the City of Windsor, and the third consecutive year of collaboration between Trees for Life and the OACFP, where the conference looks to give back to the host community by beautifying green spaces for future generations.

The tree planting initiative will span the next year, with trees being planted at both Elizabeth Kishkon Park and Malden Park in Windsor. Local residents will benefit from increased tree canopy coverage and more vibrant green spaces as a result of this effort.

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