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Caldwell First Nation Members Return To Life Together On Territory With New Homes

Saturday August 17th, 2024, 4:30pm


Caldwell First Nation held a Land Back community and cultural celebration on Saturday to welcome families who have moved back to their land and those who will be returning soon.

“It took years of strong leadership and enduring obstacles on our path home. If not for our ancestors and leaders, we would not be standing here on our land now. Today, in ceremonies, songs, and stories, and most of all through our nationhood, we are sharing our gratitude to the Creator and to all who have come before us and contributed to saving our nation and creating a new homeland,” Chief Duckworth said.

Funded by the Rapid Housing Initiative was received in November 2021, and what was an empty field in June 2023 has been developed with the installation of a waterline, sewers, septic, and hydro. The Quantum Passivhaus homes are designed to be passive, net-zero, cost-effective, and energy-efficient.

“This is a place of our own where we can renew and restore our nation and once again live as a community for the first time after over two and a half centuries”, said Chief Duckworth.

To date, eight adults and two children have moved in and are renting their homes, and by September 2024, 58 people, including 15 school-year-aged children will have returned to living in community.

The Caldwell First Nation’s new urban community is located 7 kilometres from Point Pelee National Park at Seacliff Drive and Bevel Line Road.

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