Healing Hearts Forest Proposed For The Vollmer Property
Thursday December 30th, 2021, 9:25am
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 1060 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
A new Healing Hearts Forest is being proposed for the Vollmer Centre property.
According to a report going to LaSalle Council, the Town was approached by Brain and Mary-Lynn Parent along with Families First Funeral Homes & Tribute Centre to provide sponsorship for reforestation on the Vollmer property.
The proposal is to provide a gazebo, a butterfly garden, trail connections, benches, and an approximately reforestation area of 3.25 acres over the large hill immediately south of the
existing stormwater management pond.
The reforestation area will consist of planting 425 trees that will be anywhere from 5’ to 7’ tall at the time of planting. The Essex Region Conservation Authority will also form part of the effort by taking the lead on the tree orders and planting efforts.
The sponsors are proposing to contribute a combined total of $118,000. This will cover much of the proposed works specific to this reforested area.
The Town will contribute about $40,000 for some extra trails connection to change them from gravel to asphalt to provide for accessibility.
Council will be asked to approve this at their meeting on January 11th.
If approved, work would occur in the spring and summer of 2022, with tree planting planned for the fall of 2022.