Catholic Board Releases Return To School Plan
Wednesday August 5th, 2020, 9:37pm
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 1617 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
The Catholic School Board has officially released their rerun to school plan for the fall.
The board says the plan “incorporates a risk reduction strategy based on the best evidence provided by the Ministry of Education, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, the most recent Sick Kids Hospital’s recommendations for School Reopening, and research from other school jurisdictions throughout the world.”
At the elementary level, all students will attend a full day of school, five days a week.
At the secondary level, the board plans an adaptive “quadmester” approach where students will attend two periods a day rather than their usual four periods. Each period will be approximately 150 minutes in duration. Students will be divided into Cohorts (A and B) and will attend school three days in the first and two days in the next week. Students will take their first two periods from September 8th to November 11th and their next two periods from November 12th to February 1st. On the days that students are not in school, they will be expected to access their classroom virtually.
The board says that additional temporary cleaning staff will be hired for the pandemic duration and will be responsible solely for enhanced cleaning protocols. They will focus primarily on cleaning and disinfecting touch points throughout the day.
A room by room analysis has been completed, and any area rugs, soft furnishings or other items that cannot be easily cleaned and disinfected will be removed and stored.
Students will also face significant changes to transportation providers and procedures to support the physical distancing guidelines, and the board says those plans will be released once finalized.
Students will also be required to bring their own food as cafeteria food sales will not be available. Playgrounds will also be closed.
The plan also outlines physical distancing guidelines, daily screenings, plans for students with special needs and specialized programs such as the Sports Academies at Central Park Athletics.
You can read the entire plan here.