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Coyote Spotted On Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Grounds

Thursday August 15th, 2019, 8:07pm


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This article is 1850 days old.
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Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare is pictured in this file photo by Owen Wolter/windsoriteDOTca News

A coyote was spotted on the grounds of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Wednesday morning.

In a posting on Facebook, officials say that they learned of the sighting late Thursday afternoon and are reminding staff and visitors that the campus is located near wooded areas and these animals may sometimes be spotted around their grounds.

If you find yourself in a situation where a coyote, or any wild animal is close to you, there are a couple of things the Government of Ontario suggests you do to keep both you and the wild animal out of danger.

These include:

• never approach or touch a wild animal
• do not turn your back or run from a wild animal
• back away from the animal while remaining calm
• stand tall, wave your hands, and make lots of noise
• carry a flashlight at night
• if a wild animal poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety — call 911

Should you see a coyote or any other wild animal close to the health care campus, you are asked to let the security team know.

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