Amherstburg Looking At Several Police Options
There are several options on the table as Amherstburg looks towards the future of police in the town.
This comes after the City of Windsor served the town notice that they wouldn’t renew the contract past December 31st, 2028.
Town Council has directed town administration to investigate and report back on the following options:
- Open discussions with the City of Windsor regarding the renewal of the current contract after December 31st, 2028.
- Discuss with LaSalle the potential of a partnership or contract for service
- Conduct further investigations into the approximate cost of the OPP
- Prepare an order of magnitude costing regarding the re-establishment of a Town of Amherstburg police service
- Discuss the possibility of a “County” police service with the other 7 municipalities that make up the County of Essex
Administration will report back to the council when the work is completed.
It was on January 1st, 2019, that the Amherstburg Police officers became Windsor Police officers, and the town entered into a 20 years contract with the city of Windsor for policing in the town, renewable every 5 years.