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Kingsville Adopts Short-Term Rental (STR) By-Law

Thursday November 14th, 2024, 2:03pm


Kingsville Town Council has adopted a By-law to license, regulate and govern Short-Term Rentals.

Short-term rentals (STRs) are structures, or part thereof, used for temporary lodging for a rental period of twenty-eight (28) consecutive days or less in exchange for payment. STRs include bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels and inns. Short-term accommodations without payment are not considered STRs.

Operators must obtain and maintain an annual licence to operate a Short-Term Rental. Applications for a licence require a Fire inspection; Criminal Record Check; and, Certificate of Insurance.

The By-law also identifies occupancy limits, distance separation requirements between licensed STRs (300 metres), and on-site parking requirements. Operators that pay a Commercial Property Tax Rate are exempt from occupancy limits. STRs located in the Downtown STR Area (Main Street Corridor) are exempt from the parking requirements and distance separation.

Existing STRs will be grandfathered in and exempt from parking requirements and distance separation only if they were operating before the passage of the By-law on November 4th and they apply for a licence before March 31st, 2025.

If you own or operate a Short-Term Rental in Kingsville and want to be notified when applications are available, fill out the STR Licensing Updates Subscription Form.


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