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Just Under 400 Students Suspended From School For Continuing To Have Incomplete Immunization Records

Tuesday March 5th, 2024, 12:00pm


The Heath Unit says that 377 elementary students are suspended from school for continuing to have incomplete immunization records with the Health Unit; as required by the Immunization of School Pupils Act.

Children remaining on school suspension will have the suspension order lifted once parents/guardians take one or more of the following actions:

  • Update their child’s immunization record online at (must upload proof).
  • Have their child’s Health Care Provider (HCP) fax missing immunization information to the WECHU at 519-258-7288.
  • Book an appointment for their child to receive missing vaccines or obtain a valid medical exemption from their HCP. Then the child’s updated immunization records need to the updated with the WECHU.
  • Bring their child’s immunization record and/or attend a walk-in immunization clinic at the WECHU Windsor or Leamington location. For more details, visit

Once the student’s record is up to date with the WECHU, the suspension will be lifted and the student may return to school.

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