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Five Ways To Maximize Your Fun On Family Day

Saturday February 12th, 2022, 10:55am


Christmas Break seems like it was years ago… feeling cooped up? It’s time you flew the coop! Gather up the family and head out to spend quality time exploring all that Windsor Essex has to offer for Family Day Fun!

Clip N Climb

Have the kids been climbing the walls? Now you can encourage it! Clip N Climb is an indoor climbing experience like no other. Featuring 36 climbing adventures and super challenges. Visually stunning, action-packed entertainment that provides loads of healthy challenging fun for everyone. Reserve your time in advance by visiting

Silver Tee Golf & Virtual Gaming Centre

Brush up on your golf game during the off-season and be ready to ace your shot in the Spring. Bring the whole family to Silver Tee Golf & Virtual Gaming Centre for a fun-filled day for kids of all ages and abilities. Golfers of all skill levels will enjoy playing 80 of the world’s top golf courses. The multi-sport options, including football, hockey, baseball, soccer, zombie dodgeball, carnivals games and more, are perfect for families and unique to Essex County.

Charles Clark Square

Windsor Essex is home to many rivers, lakes and ponds with ample outdoor skating options, not to mention all of those backdoor rinks that have popped up! For open public skating, check out Charles Clark Square, the open air rink with free public skating in the heart of downtown. Please note Charles Clark Square is weather dependent so check social media or call 311 before you go.

Parks & Trails

Breathe in the fresh air and soak up that limited Wintertime Vitamin D while exploring the bounty of Parks and Trails that dot Windsor Essex. The Big O in Comber, Little River Corridor in East Windsor and Point Pelee National Park are just a few of the great options for getting the littles (and bigs) out of the house and into nature.

Comfy + Cozy Indoor Vibes

If you’re good to leave the cold air outside and stay bundled up inside, entertain your family with an art kit from The Art Lab, stay in your pj’s and have a movie day with a bucket of popcorn from What’s Poppin’ Popcorn Factory or spice up your life with the Family Meal from The Grand Cantina, for the month of February a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Noah’s House Windsor.

Whatever you choose to do for Family Day be sure to enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest. Check out our Family Day Guide full of special events just for the long weekend for more promotions and attractions.

Sponsored story by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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