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Local Expert Blog: Extend Your Patio Season 

Saturday October 9th, 2021, 10:55am


Patios are an excellent way for businesses to extend their dining rooms. Of course, with all things considered, it will often prove the only way to serve patrons. Restaurants that didn’t have patio space before are finding ways to create comfortable outdoor spaces.

However, summer and its good weather doesn’t last forever. So whether or not restrictions remain the same in the coming months, business owners are going to be looking for ways to extend their patio season.

Here are some ideas to keep your patio open well into the fall.

Take cover!

Table umbrellas are great, but they don’t always quite cover it. (See what we did there?) Tents, on the other hand, have the advantage of covering a lot more surface area. Think about it: when it rains, there is always that one person under the umbrella that gets that drip-drip on their shoulder or back. Avoid the annoying dripping with a tent.

Pro-Tip: Tents come in a variety of sizes and with or without sides. Be sure to consider all your options.

It’s getting hot in here…or out here. 

As summer turns into fall, the weather is going to start to cool. While it will be refreshing after all those humid sun-filled days, it might get a little too cold. Since people tend to hit their favourite restaurants and bars in the evening, the temperature will drop even more. With that in mind, it never hurts to be prepared. Consider renting some heaters to keep your patio space and your customers cozy.

Hit the lights. 

As we mentioned, business owners who didn’t benefit from a patio have certainly done their best to create one. As such, their space will be lacking (no fault of their own) certain conveniences like lighting.

Don’t feel the pressure to start buying up all these items, especially if having a patio isn’t something you plan on keeping once restaurants and bars are allowed to serve customers inside on a more consistent basis.

Look into renting some lights, string or otherwise, to illuminate your patio area and set the mood. As the sun begins to set earlier and earlier, you’ll be thankful you have them.

Difficult times call for a bit of creativity. We should all be applauding business owners, big and small, for their ingenuity. Show them you appreciate them by visiting their patios or ordering their food. It will undoubtedly be delicious, so it’s a win-win situation.

Sponsored story by Festival. To learn more, follow them on FacebookTwitterLinkedInor visit their website. Kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-737-9200.

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