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Local Expert Blog: Second Home Protection

Saturday September 25th, 2021, 10:55am


If the summer season is known for anything, it’s cottages and cabins. And few things give us more joy than venturing to these remote locations during the spring and summer months. Often used as a refuge from the city, these places are sacred. So much so, they are often considered second homes.

Like your home in the city, you need to ensure its security. Besides alarm systems and cameras, there is a different type of thief you need to protect yourself from – identity thieves.

Hold your mail.

Depending on how long you usually stay at your summer home, mail may be delivered there. If that is the case, there are measures you can take to keep the mail piling up in the mailbox while you’re away.

Yes, a friendly neighbour can pick up your mail. However, that still isn’t the safest option. That isn’t to say your neighbour isn’t trustworthy, but it is important to note that in many cases of identity theft, the theft was done by a family member or close friend. In other words, by someone who had direct access to personal information.

Canada Post’s Hold My Mail allows you to temporarily stop mail deliveries to your address. So, instead of piling up in your mailbox, your mail is safely stored at a Canada Post facility until you return. (The same goes for your primary residence.)

Shred that paper.

Yes, one person’s trash really is another person’s treasure, especially for identity thieves. When it comes to disposing of paper products containing personal information (name, address, birthday, bank information, etc.), the trash and recycling bin are dangerous places. To prevent identity theft, it is important to always shred anything containing sensitive information.

However, if your second home out in the woods with that beautiful lake view lacks a paper shredder or you are averse to lugging your to-be-shred pile back to the city, then toss them into the fire. That’s right, use those paper products as kindling for your evening bonfire. Enjoy peace of mind while eating spider dogs and smores.

Sponsored story by First Stop Services. Visit their FacebookLinkedIn, or website. Reach them by phone at 519-253-1000.

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