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Local Expert Blog: Hire John

Saturday February 20th, 2021, 11:00am


As lockdown restrictions continue and businesses remain closed or restricted to curbside pickup, many companies have had to shut down their washroom access to customers.

We all know the feeling of needing to go after sitting for an hour in a medical office, waiting for take-out food to be ready, or waiting through a pet’s three-hour surgery. When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go, and having access to a washroom wherever you go adds a feeling of comfort and security.

Whether you own a medical office, restaurant, store, or another form of business, there are many benefits to setting up portable toilets for your customers:

  • Comfort: This is important, especially for businesses where customers are waiting for extended periods. If customers are waiting in their car or have driven a long distance, they may need to relieve themselves. Having a portable toilet available will make your customer feel comfortable while at your business.
  • Convenience: No one likes driving around looking for a public washroom, especially now when many are not open to the public. Offering a portable toilet is convenient for all your customers.
  • Appreciation: As a business, offering a portable toilet option to your customers is one way of saying thank you for their continued business and support.

Who cleans the portable toilet?

At Festival Tent, any long-term rental toilets are given a thorough cleaning once a week and include:

  • Properly removing waste from the holding tank.
  • Spraying down the unit with disinfectant.
  • Wiping down the walls and major points of contact inside the unit.
  • Restocking supplies like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, and paper towels (if applicable).

All of these tasks will be done on-site by trained team members.

It is important to remember that companies will offer extra cleanings or additional units at an added cost with many portable toilet contracts. If you find that once a week cleaning or one unit on site is not enough due to high traffic, don’t be afraid to reach out to the company. Whenever renting portable toilets, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process, don’t be scared to ask what is included.

Sponsored story by Festival. To learn more, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or visit their website. Kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-737-9200.

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