10 Ways To Experience Family Day At Home
Saturday February 6th, 2021, 11:00am
Looking for a few ways to make Family Day more fun? Especially after being cooped up inside with your family more than you normally are? We’ve put together ten ways to have a little fun with your household this Family Day while still staying home and staying safe!
We’ve put together a Family Day 2021 Virtual Event Guide that’s full of ideas of how you and yours can chase away the mid-winter blahs with activities sure to appeal to the entire family. Make some fun new memories and maybe discover some unseen talents while you’re at it.
Get Creative
After virtual schooling these past few months and so much additional screen time, why not get your hands dirty and get creative? Sketch Art Workshop makes it easy with their “Take and Make” pottery kits! Simply hop on to their website and select from a whole list of items that you and your family will love to paint, pick up from their contactless system, drop off when they are complete and return after they are fired and glazed to pick up your creations! Have a petite Picasso in house? Sign up for one of Julie’s Paint Party classes where she walks you through step-by-step and you’ll be amazed at the final product! Why not pick up one of The Crafty Nest Kids DIY Kits! Check out their “My Family Peg People” craft where you can fashion your family out of clothes pegs and supplies! There’s no shortage of fun ways to still experience the arts even while we are staying home and when it’s Family Day and Valentines Day in the same weekend there seems to be even more to choose from.
Get “cooking”
Share the cooking duties and still make it fun with some great family-friendly food kids. Check out the delicious family meal deals from Vito’s Pizzeria and make sure to grab one of their Kids Pizza Kits with your choice of toppings for the littles to create their own pies! Having a family fiesta? The Grand Cantina Family Taco Kit comes with everything your family needs for a taco assembly line. Sweet tooth? Get out the baking sheets and mixing bowls to bake up some Ani and Fabi Cookie Kits. Everything you need is included – just add in some laughter and family fun! Why not take your treats up a notch and create some ice-cream sandwiches with your favourite flavour and fresh baked cookies!
Get comfy
One of the best parts about celebrating Family Day at home is that you can spend the day in your comfiest gear! Why not curl up on the couch with your family and enjoy one a virtual tour of the Art Gallery of Windsor and learn about the artistic approach and vision of their permanent collection called “Look Again!” These informative and interactive virtual tours are free with pre-registration.  Explore somewhere you’ve never been or revisit a favourite! February is Black History Month – why not take a virtual tour of John Freeman Walls historic site and learn more about how Windsor Essex played a pivotal role in the Underground Railroad. Make it a weekend of fun and sign up for the Windsor Symphony Orchestra to Read-Aloud with the WSO or for their Digital Concerts for Kids Series.
So while we are all safe at home this Family Day weekend, why not take advantage of the extra family time and enjoy some activities together! Get creative, get comfortable and cook up all kinds of family-friendly fun! Make sure to check out our Family Day Event Guide and our Valentine’s Day Guide for even more activity ideas.
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