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6 Ways To Celebrate Canada Day This Year

Saturday June 27th, 2020, 11:00am


Canada Day 2020 may not be the same celebration we are used to from past years BUT there are some great ways to spend the holiday here in Windsor Essex.  We’ve come up with a list of Six Ways to Celebrate – but make sure to stay tuned to our Canada Day Event Guide for new local additions popping up across the region.

  1. Snapd Virtual Fireworks

Join The City of Windsor for a “Canada Day Virtual Celebration” to be held Wednesday, July 1st in partnership with Tim Hortons, snapd, AM 800 CKLW and Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island.

Download the app now at and join in the fun with fireworks on Wednesday July 1st at 9:30 pm including a countdown across the country from Chris Hadfield.  Visit snapd to check out all the fun activities for you and your family & friends – there is everything from creating your own hand print Canada Flag to a Canadian trivia challenge! There are many ways to celebrate together, even when we are all apart.

  1. Canada Day Rocks Contest

You don’t need to be a professional artist to have a little fun with this one! Pick up your paint brush and paint a rock with your favourite design – then leave in the community for others to find. Take a picture before you leave it to submit! If you find a rock while you are out and about take a pic and submit online at for a chance to win one of three Windsor Essex Staycation prizes worth $1300! Don’t forget to leave the rock where you found it for others to find and share.

  1. Decorate your Porches

Though we can’t have a parade this year – you can decorate like you ARE the parade! Proudly fly your Canadian flags, cut out some maple leaves and dig out the sidewalk chalk to make your home feel festive.  Decorate your porch, yard or balcony for Canada Day and submit a photo online at for a chance to win one of three amazing prizes!

  1. #TimHortonsWE Contest

If you still can’t find enough ways to ring in Canada’s Birthday – why not check out the contest our favourite Canadian coffee shop is serving up? Grab your red & white and share your pics of how you’re celebrating Canada Day virtually on Instagram & Twitter using #TimHortonsWE. When you share your pics you could WIN 1-of-50 $10 Tim Hortons gift cards!

  1. Takeout Guide for backyard parties

Instead of sweating over the BBQ why not sit back and totally relax this year? If you are having a socially-distance get together in your backyard or simply celebrating with your household family members, why not take a look at our online list of Takeout and Delivery options and let someone else to do the cooking!  With everything from Pizza to Poutine and everything in between, our local restaurants, markets and butcher shops are ready to take the reins and let you enjoy yourself this Canada Day!

  1. Pre-order local Wine & Beer

Our local wineries, breweries and distilleries would be happy to have you pick up an order or deliver straight to your doorstep! Keep the party local and cheers our country with one of our local EPIC Wines or one of our Barrels Bottles and Brews partners.  Chill a crisp rosé or a sparkling white, uncork your favourite red, mix up a handcrafted cocktail or crack open an ice-cold lager and let the celebrations begin! There are so many local choices that the hardest part of cocktail hour will be deciding what to serve!

Wherever you are this year, you will be able to join in on the fun – from virtual events to decorating contests there are many ways for you and your family to say Happy Birthday Canada from the comfort of your home! So put on your finest Red & White, get out the arts and crafts supplies, start planning a locally sourced fete and let’s get together virtually and share our pride in being Canadian.

Originally published on Tuesday June 23rd, 2020 by Tourism Windsor Essex.

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