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299 Total Confirmed Cases Of COVID-19 In Windsor Essex, Saturday Afternoon

Saturday April 11th, 2020, 1:20pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 1568 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

The Windsor Essex County Health Unit has confirmed 9 additional cases of COVID-19 as of Saturday afternoon, bringing the local total to 299.  There are no new deaths as of Saturday afternoon and the death toll locally stands at eight.

The Health Unit says 2,089 tests have been conducted and 200 tests are still pending. They say 23 people locally have recovered.  There are still seven outbreaks at local long-term care facilities and the list is unchanged from Friday.

The Health Unit addressed reports of a local McDonalds restaurant closing due to a confirmed case of COVID-19.  In a statement officials say they do not confirm the identity of individual cases but that they conduct investigations for all confirmed cases of COVID-19, including identifying close contacts and determining exposure risk.

They say anyone who is identified as a close contact and at risk for COVID-19 through close contact exposure will be contacted by the Health Unit. Officials say if you feel that you have been exposed to COVID-19 through a close contact with a confirmed case, you’re asked to call the Health Unit at 519-258-2146 ext. 1420.

Health Unit officials also say there is no evidence COVID-19 can be transmitted through food.

“There is currently no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through food,” said Health Unit officials in a statement. “Takeout food and food delivery are good options for prepared meals as physical distancing can be maintained. Always make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly before and after eating.”

They say Public Health Inspectors follow up within 24 hours of any food safety complaint and conduct onsite inspections of any food premise before reopening.

The Health Unit is concerned for the mental health of local residents who have been isolating.

“As we tip over a month of increasing physical distance and public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 across our community it is important to take care of yourself and practice self-care,” said Health Unit officials in a statement. “This is a stressful time for all, distance from loved ones and families, job losses, economic stress and fear from becoming sick all contribute to a large mental burden.”

Health Unit officials are encouraging residents to focus on positive thoughts and to practice self-care.

“This weekend take some time away from the news and flood of information on COVID-19,” they said. “Find time to read, try a cooking class online, practice yoga, go for a walk or spend time in your yard. There is a strong link between physical activity and mental health. To get started make a plan and develop a routine that includes activities that relax your mind and increase your well-being.”

Health Unit officials say physical distancing doesn’t mean you need to distance yourself from others socially.

“Stay socially connected in creative ways through social media or video chats,” they said. “Spark a conversation with a neighbour from your porch and call your loved ones regularly to stay connected.”

Officials say if you find yourself struggling and in need of mental health support, you can contact any of these agencies:

  • Family Services Windsor-Essex: 1-888-933-1831 or https://fswe.ca/
  • Canadian Mental Health Association WECB: 519-973-4435 or https://windsoressex.cmha.ca/services/
  • HDGH 24-Hour Crisis line: 519-973-4435
  • Kids Help Phone (24/7): 1-800-668-6868, text (686868)
  • House of Sophrosyne 12 Hour Crisis telephone line for substance use: 519-252-2711 x100

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