City Planning New Washrooms and Parking Lot At Jackson Park
Monday April 2nd, 2018, 8:54am
Hello time traveller!!
This article is 2420 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.
The City of Windsor is planning to reconstruct the dated washrooms and redo the parking lot at Jackson Park.
The current washrooms were constructed at the east end of the sunken gardens in 1965, along with the maintenance buildings, trellis and parking lot.
In 2009 the city replaced the original trellis and added accessible ramps and walkways into the park.
Plans call for the replacement of the existing buildings with ones that meet today’s standards and will be compatible with the architectural style and materials of the existing buildings and garden. The washrooms will be designed for operations in all four seasons.
The parking lots and laneways in the park are in fair to poor condition and require substantial work to bring them up to city standards according to the city. This work would include surfacing, curbing, and drainage.
To limit disruptions to the park over multiple years, the city plans to combine the proposed buildings, parking lots and trails in the same construction season.
The first phase of the project is for the city to issue a call for proposals for the design and planning of the project.
The budget for the entire project is estimated at $2,100,000.
City Council will vote to move forward at their meeting on April 9th.