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Essex Fire And Rescue Adopts New Departmental Crest

Tuesday April 19th, 2016, 8:53pm


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A new departmental shoulder flash and logo will soon start to appear on Essex Fire and Rescue uniforms and public relations materials.

“We’re very excited to update our departmental crest,” says Fire Chief Rick Arnel. “A fire department’s shoulder flash or crest generally reflects the uniqueness of the fire service and is essential for easy identification of fire personnel.”

Chief Arnel says that Essex Fire and Rescue, since amalgamation in 1999, has used the standard shoulder flash that was traditionally used throughout the Province of Ontario. The fire service also had a departmental logo that consisted of a Maltese Cross with a horse-drawn steam engine at its centre.

“Since we need to purchase more shoulder flashes in the near future, we decided to create a unique design that complies with the Town’s Graphic Standards Policy while also serving as both a shoulder flash and a logo,” says Chief Arnel.

The new design incorporates the Town logo at the top of the flash, a Canadian flag at the bottom, and a modern rendition of the Maltese Cross at the centre. The cross has been updated to depict the “jaws of life” on the left, a fire hydrant on the right, and a classic collection of firefighter tools at the centre (hose, ladder, axe, hook and helmet).

Chief Arnel says that the Maltese Cross continues to be used as a common feature that unites all fire services.

“It is the firefighter’s symbol of protection and a badge of honour,” says Arnel.

The traditional eight points of the Maltese Cross represent gallantry, perseverance, loyalty, dexterity, explicitness, observation, tact and sympathy.

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