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Premier Dalton McGuinty On The Resignation Of Dwight Duncan

Thursday February 7th, 2013, 10:13am


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Dwight Duncan as seen in this August 2011 photo

Today, Dwight Duncan MPP, will announce his resignation effective next Thursday.   Outgoing Premier Dalton McGuinty issued this statement this morning with his thoughts on Dwight Duncan.

“You only have to know Dwight Duncan for a short time to know that he’s proud to be from Windsor. But, the more you learn about Dwight’s public service, the more you realize that his love for his hometown inspired him to make life better in all Ontario communities.

Dwight reformed Ontario’s tax system, arguing credibly and persuasively that Ontario could compete better by harmonizing sales taxes with the federal government, as over 140 countries were already doing.

When the recession hit, Dwight stepped up for the auto sector, protecting hundreds of thousands of Ontario jobs. And that, together with other measures like investment in infrastructure to create jobs, helped Ontario weather a tough economy.

Dwight’s steady hand has set our province on a sure path to a balanced budget while protecting the gains we have made together in health care and education.

Today, thanks to Dwight’s leadership and the hard work Ontarians do every day, Ontario is among the top destinations in North America for foreign investment. And the new bridge connecting Windsor and Detroit, a link that will help create jobs right across our province, will only make us stronger.

Dwight Duncan was the longest serving Finance Minister in the modern era and Ontario is better for it – stronger, fairer and more prepared for a future of constant change and ever-growing opportunity.

On behalf of 13 million Ontarians, thank you, Dwight, and best wishes as you keep finding ways to build a strong Ontario.”



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