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The Fit-Life Challenge | They are UnStoppable!!

Tuesday December 4th, 2012, 5:00pm


Hello time traveller!!
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 We are past the half way point and the Fit-Crew is just as motivated as they were day one as they are now !! It’s incredible to see all their improvements each and every class.   They are constantly sharing their food updates  and cheering each other on daily.  CK and I are honoured to be a part of this life changing experience. Stacey, John, Michele & Angela THANKYOU for all your hard work and dedication thus far.  It is now time to really kick it up hard, the next 3 weeks are crucial.

Here are some fun screen shots  from our Facebook group that they have been posting and sharing with us!!

Stacey has been sharing all her cooking with us and the way she preps her food at the beginning of the week is key to being successful in this lifestyle.  She should inspire all of us, she  sure inspires  me.  Way to go Stacey, I am continually impressed by you every day and your body loves you for it.  You look strong and beautiful, you push all your limits every time I train you no matter what.

Stacey has been out to Unleashed a few weeks ago and fit right in like she was a regular, we did 1,000 squats that night and he legs were sore for days.  She kept training through it.. she has inspired her closes girlfriends to join and they  have become regulars to Adrenaline week after week, how awesome!! Nothing can get in the way of her goals now!!  She rocked the Adrenaline Climb class last Monday in the Spits bowl, we are so very proud of her!!

John looks incredible!! He is down from a 38 to a 36 in a month and is moving faster than ever , he’s got a pretty good control of his eating habits and is training is heart out every single Adrenaline class. It’s crazy the amount of sweat John flushes out in an hour, he never quits in a set and the heart in him is very rare. John I love training you and watching you progress right in front of me.  He has been swimming on his own time and he’s going to hit those size 34 skinny jeans he’s got by the end of the year!!   John let’s go , let’s really step it up a level, with your diet, training and all out drive!!  We believe in you and we really want to hit your goals!


Michele is ROCK STAR!!!   We are all noticing huge results in Michele, she is working the class harder and harder each day, I cannot believe how much her fitness level has improved.  Last night when she walked into class I was stunned on how amazing her body looks,,.. the results are really starting to show.  Michele if you push even harder.. everything you got in the next weeks you will surpass any plateaus that your body could hit and the results will just be insane.  I am so excited to see our before and after pictures of Michele!!!  She is spot on with her diet and shares with us her dinners and even what she brings to parties so that she can have her own foods to eat. HOW awesome is that?



Angela…Angela…Angela.  She is the most unbelievably motivated women I have ever met in my whole 10 years of training.  I see her at class everyday except Sunday’s, she is strong, determined and just really loves her new lifestyle.  Her family and friends are now coming out to classes too , her support system is amazing and she is motivating them ALL!

Angle’s pants are falling off..hahah she needs new ones but I tell her to just make them work cause if you buy new now in a few weeks they won’t fit either.  I can’t wait for the day that her and I take off to Lululemon and get her very first pair of tight Lulu’s!    It will happen much sooner than later if she keeps this pace going strong. Angela you are a force to be reckoned with and I am so thankful for you.


This is Angela’s Facebook Page.. her Picture and Cover photo are all inspiring and motivating her.  I Love this!! Thanks for sharing our Holiday Hustler Angela another great way you are getting the people around you motivated!



Please send our Fit-Crew your words of encouragement and motivation in the comment section below. These four our amazing and deserve to know!!!


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