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Tomorrow is Social Media Day 2011, in Windsor!

Wednesday June 29th, 2011, 12:15pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 4776 days old.
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Mashable, the world’s largest social media blog, has proclaimed June 30th, 2011 “Social Media Day”!

But Social Media? Whatever do you mean?

Mashable describes the day as “…a celebration of the technological advancements that enable everyone to connect with real-time information, communicate from miles apart and have their voices be heard.”

No Worldwide “date” would be complete without an event in Windsor, that’s why twitter’s @darynakulya has organized a Windsor meetup for local techno-geeks and users of online technologies alike to gather, celebrate and exchange ideas.

@darynakulya says:

This is the first Social Media Day celebration in Windsor-Essex – let’s make it a great one!

We’ll have a group discussion on social media and the role it plays in our community.

It is time to put Windsor-Essex on the global map when it comes to social media!

When tweeting about the event please use #SMDayWE

Interested participants should show up at Vermouth at 333 Ouellette Ave in Downtown Windsor at 6pm.

And seriously, don’t leave those smartphones or laptops at home.  Geek it up!

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