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Infrastructure Project Updates: Ganachio Trail Repaving & Quality Way Bike Lanes

Tuesday July 27th, 2010, 10:24am


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 5114 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

Selected parts of Windsor’s extremely popular east-end Ganachio Trail are being redone.  First built in 1981, the trail is in need of updates.  New signage and trees will accompany repaved trails.

Amico Paving is redoing the trail while Landmark Group provides consulting to the project.

Funding comes from…
Government of Canada: $200,000
Government of Ontario: $200,000
City of Windsor: $200,000
Total: $600,000

Quality Way, a connector road which parallels the EC Row Expressway between Jefferson Blvd. and Lauzon Parkway has new bike lanes.

The new “multi-use trail” is offset from the roadway, which has also been repaved from its crumbling industrial preform.

Funding comes from…
City of Windsor: $133,334
Province of Ontario: $133,333
Government of Canada: $133,333
Total: $400,000

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