A break and enter is under investigation in Amherstburg. Police say that on Monday, August 3rd, 2020, officers from...
Fort Malden National Historic Site wiIl extend its hours of operation until September 6th. The Visitor centre and gift...
The Amherstburg Freedom Museum will be re-opening its doors starting this Tuesday, July 28th, 2020. Admission is by appointment...
A young child has passed away after drowning in an Amherstburg pool. Police say around 6:30pm on Wednesday, July...
Police in Amherstburg are investigating thefts from several vehicles that happened in the early morning hours of Wednesday, July...
Amherstburg's splash pad in Toddy Jones park is now open. The slash pad will be open every day from...
Fort Malden National Historic Site will re-open with limited visitor services on weekends only starting July 18th, 2020. Visitors...
Amherstburg Open Air Weekends kick off this Friday. The weekends will feature closed streets, open-air patios and retail shopping,...