Kevin McQuaid Jr. is a veteran researcher of news theory and process. He's the News & Features Editor for windsoriteDOTca. Reach him by contacting the news team at [email protected].
There is a new mayor in the Town of Amherstburg. Michael Prue has been elected with 3,488 votes or...
In LaSalle, both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor seats have been acclaimed, meaning they have won their re-election...
Results are in for the municipal election in Tecumseh. Gary McNamara has been acclaimed for another term as Mayor...
County Road 22 will have lane restrictions starting Monday, October 24th, for the ongoing Rourke Line Road construction project....
The intersection of Howard Avenue and Tecumseh Road East will have lane restrictions for road work during the overnight...
Nothing to do in Windsor? There's SO MUCH to do in Windsor! Check out our listing of exciting Windsor-Essex events taking place this weekend!
The City of Windsor is asking drivers to use extra caution on the E.C Row Expressway this week and...