Anna Millerman is a St. Clair College graduate that enjoys and takes pride in capturing the beauty of Windsor and its community through her camera lens. She covers various events that happen in the area, always with a smile on her face.
A Mexican Village has made its way to Windsor for Carrousel of the Nations this year. The village is...
The Caribbean Village has attendees enjoying the comeback of this year's Carrousel of the Nations event. Options for meals...
Ottawa street is the host of Explore Uptown Culture this weekend, giving attendees opportunity to check out the local...
The Hive on Pelissier is celebrating the completion of construction. The five-story luxury residential and commercial building was built...
The Bavarian Village is welcoming back happy attendees of the Carrousel of the Nations this weekend and next weekend...
Taste of Tecumseh has returned to Lakewood Park for the weekend, kicking off Friday evening for their sixth annual...
Carrousel of the Nations has returned this year to in-person villages, welcoming back fan favourite menu items as well...
Some friendly competition took place at WindsorEats this past Saturday with the Master of the Brewniverse beer event taking...