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Fit-Life Challenge | Episode 8

Monday October 29th, 2012, 5:00pm


Hello time traveller!!
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Just over a week into this challenge and we are fit-testing all contestants again. We want to keep them on track and motivated to beat their scores from the Day 1 fit-test day. This is something we will do often so they will stay hungry to reach their goals and beat scores.

Each contestant did awesome and you could feel the energy around them, some pride and some frustrations. We are excited to see in weeks to come as they blow their testing scores out of the water, as we know they will.  Yes, they all hate the Burpee’s right now, but we know in time they will love them.

Steven was MIA all week, we missed him in Adrenaline.  He had a crazy week at work, but updated us by letting us know he has stayed on track with his diet and said he will push it extra hard this week. So STEVEN you’re in for it this week and we hope your ready for what we have in store for you!!!

It’s amazing to watch our Fit-Crew improve each class and the determination they have for this change in their life.  Check out Episode 8 as they  push through their second fit-test with us.  Angela and Michele did less time in their plank this week but we are pretty sure it has to do with all the training they have been doing.  Angela has been to Adrenaline everyday since the Challenge started and Michele has been to 4 a week and doing workout videos at home.  So their plank sucked a bit in the test but next week when we do this.. we are going to really push them through to break their records.  All the other drills we did in the fit-test everyone improved in.  They couldn’t believe how much they improved in just a week.  The numbers don’t lie.

All that being said, everyone still has a lot of work ahead! It’s like they say “Everyone is an A+ Student in September”. We will be staying on top of each contestant and making sure nobody falls off the strict training and eating regimes. The next few weeks are the most critical in shaping long-term routines and habits that stick. The biggest and toughest challenges lie ahead in the next few weeks so let’s dig deep, stick together and overcome all roadblocks that lie in the way of a Fit-Life!



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