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Construction Begins To Complete Prince Road Storm Sewer Outlet

Tuesday September 24th, 2024, 2:41pm


Construction of the Prince Road Storm Sewer Outlet is about to get underway.

Awarded to SheaRock Construction Group, this project will cost $7,888,220 and have a target completion date of November 2025.

This work is part of a larger multi-phase, multi-year Prince Road Storm Sewer Project and will extend the current Prince Road trunk westerly along Chappell Avenue, crossing Essex Terminal Railway (ETR) rail and continuing through the southern part of 3800 Russell Street to a new outlet chamber and pumping station at McKee Creek.

This project has made significant critical storm and sewer infrastructure upgrades to relieve local street and basement flooding for a service area of 390 hectares, benefiting approximately 3,500 residential and business properties.

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