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Forests Ontario Supported The Planting Of  36,000 Trees In Essex County

Monday August 26th, 2024, 10:03am


Forests Ontario supported the planting of approximately 2.7 million trees across Canada this planting season, including 36,000 in Essex County.

The 2.7 million trees planted includes over 700,000 outside Ontario – which is a new record for the organization and is thanks to the support of municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government, individual and corporate donors, and new planting partners across the country.

“We have always built strong relationships with a comprehensive network of experienced partners and experts who understand the transformative power of healthy forests,” Jess Kaknevicius, Chief Executive Officer of Forests Ontario, says. “Now, as we are facing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, it is imperative that we build these relationships across the country, so that we can make a difference in communities from coast to coast to coast.”

Forests Ontario’s tree-planting programs significantly reduce the costs of tree planting, making increasing forest cover in communities easier and more affordable while ensuring the right trees are planted in the right place for the right reason.

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