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Suspected Canine Distemper Virus On Pelee Island

Tuesday August 20th, 2024, 10:50am


The Township of Pelee is reporting an increase in the number of sick wildlife – mainly raccoons – reported and seen on Pelee Island.

Many of the raccoons are showing signs consistent with the Canine Distemper Virus. The Township of Pelee is actively working with partner agencies to confirm a diagnosis for the sick wildlife.

Canine distemper does not pose a threat to human health, but dogs that have not been vaccinated for distemper can become infected if they come in contact with an animal with distemper.

Abnormal racoon behaviour may include appearing blind and confused, wandering aimlessly, and becoming aggressive if cornered. Mucus discharge will often be present around the eyes and nose and may be accompanied by coughing, tremors, seizures, or chewing fits. Other symptoms include moving slowly, stumbling as they walk, and lack of fear towards humans. Though distemper is not rabies, there are some very similar symptoms.

If you notice a raccoon or other wildlife displaying abnormal behaviour, keep your pets away from the animal and call the non-emergency police line for advice at 1-888-310-1122.

The Township of Pelee is Asking all Members of the Public to:

  •  Refrain from feeding or leaving food out for raccoons
  • Take down any bird feeders or regularly clean up the area around the bird feeder so you do not attract raccoons
  • Ensure all garbage is disposed of properly
  • NOT approach raccoons or any wildlife, even if they seem tame
  • Vaccinate your dogs against distemper

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