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David Musyj Heading To London

Friday May 17th, 2024, 9:54am


Windsor Regional Hospital President and CEO David Musyj has been seconded to London Health Sciences Centre as its Acting President and CEO, effective Thursday, May 23rd.

“We wish David success in his role assisting LHSC,” said WRH Board Chair Patti France. “While we will miss David on a day-to-day basis, we are proud of his achievements here locally, extremely excited for his new opportunity and confident in his leadership abilities in this role.”

Musyj will remain directly involved in ongoing discussions about the planning and construction of a new, state-of-the-art acute care hospital for Windsor-Essex.

Karen Riddell will take on the role of Acting President and CEO for WRH. Riddell has been with WRH since 1999 and in an executive role since 2017. She became Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Operating Officer in 2021.

“Karen is an incredible leader who supported WRH’s clinical team in navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic and the more recent criminal cyberattack, adding to the many years of experience in hospital nursing she already carried,” France said. “It is a testament to WRH’s leadership that we have such incredible ‘bench strength’ to make the changes necessary to ensure continuously strong leadership at the top of Windsor and Essex County’s largest employer.”

Riddell will remain Chief Nursing Executive at this time, but in order to assist Riddell, Nicole Krywionek has been promoted to interim Vice-President for the organization and, as such, will sit on the WRH Executive Committee and be responsible for Critical Care, Cardiology, Diagnostic Imaging, Patient Relations, Professional Practice, Corporate Education and Training and Clinical Quality and Safety.

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