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Pet Of The Week: Jack!

Saturday May 11th, 2024, 12:00pm


Jack – Male – 11 months – Border Collie/Australian Shepherd

Hello, my name is Jack! I am fun, energetic, and cute as a button!

I am known as a working breed, which means I have energy for days! I am looking for a home that understands my needs, and will provide me with tons of exercise, both physically but also working my smart brain as well! I am looking for a home that understands herding breeds so you know some of the traits I have and know how to work with me!

I have been known to be a bit under-socialized, and might bark at new friends because I’m scared of the unknown, but with the right guidance, patience, and love, I think I will do very well with proper training. I am learning not to use my mouth on the humans, but I just have a lot of anxious and excited energy and don’t know where to put it all!

I like yummy treats A LOT! They really help me in new situations and when learning new things, so please get prepped with lots of em so we can get started on training right away!

I’m a fun kind of dog and would love fun puzzle toys, agility games, and things to keep me busy. I am hoping for no young kiddos in the home as I’ve been known to be a bit of a sensitive guy, and I’m still getting used to other doggos, so if you have a dog, I ask they are the friendly and respectful kind to help show me the way.

I don’t think apartment living would be ideal for me, and I’m hoping for an area to get all my beans out

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