Possible Public Measles Exposure Notification: March 16th, 2025
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit asks anyone who visited the location(s) listed below on the identified date(s) to monitor themselves for symptoms of measles for 7 to 21 days from the date of exposure. Individuals can contact a health care provider to review their immunity status.
- Erie Shores HealthCare Hospital
194 Talbot Street West
Friday, March 14th: 8:00am – 11:23am
Main Emergency Department entrance, Triage, Emergency Department
For those who were exposed at the Erie Shores HealthCare Hospital and are unvaccinated, the WECHU strongly recommends a dose of vaccine to help prevent a measles infection before the end of the day Monday, March 17. The Emergency Department at Erie Shores HeathCare (Hospital) will be offering a measles vaccine clinic for exposed individuals on Monday, March 17 at 9:00am until 7:00pm. When you arrive at the hospital, call the Emergency Department before entering at 519-326-2373 and press 4400. This will allow the team to schedule your arrival and limit exposure.
If you are immunocompromised, have a child (children) 12 months of age or younger, or are pregnant, please contact the WECHU as soon as possible to confirm whether there are additional treatments that may be available to you. If this applies to you, please call 519-258-2146 ext. 1420.
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