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Health Unit Issues Cold Weather Warning

Monday January 20th, 2025, 10:47am


Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s Medical Officer of Health has issued a Cold Warning for Monday, January 20th and Tuesday, January 21st, 2025. A Cold Warning is issued when the temperature reaches -15°C (5°F) without the wind chill for a day.

Exposure to cold weather can increase the risk of cold-related injuries including hypothermia and frostbite. Frostbite occurs when both the skin and the underlying tissue are frozen and can cause permanent damage to body tissue. Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. Symptoms can include shivering, confusion, and uncoordinated movements. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Cold-related injuries are preventable. Follow these tips to reduce your risk of a cold-related injury:

  • Monitor local weather forecasts and warnings regularly.
  • Stay up-to-date by checking our website or by following the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Dress warmly – cover as much exposed skin as possible, dress in layers with a wind-resistant outer layer, a hat, mittens, and scarf.
  • If you are sweating, remove outer layers of clothing or open your coat to stay dry.
  • Keep moving, especially your hands and feet to maintain your body heat.Seek shelter when wind chill is significant or limit the time you spend outside.
  • Drink warm fluids and avoid alcohol – drinking alcohol before going outside can give you a false sense of warmth.
  • Make sure your home heating system is working well and seal all cracks and drafts.
  • Keep your vehicle well-maintained and have an emergency kit in your car.
  • Check on your neighbours and family.
  • Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Hypothermia is a medical emergency. Call 911 immediately if you suspect someone may have hypothermia.

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