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Amherstburg Reporting Thefts From River Lights Displays

Sunday November 24th, 2024, 1:02pm


Missing cords and other display items are keeping some River Lights displays in the dark in Amherstburg.

Town officials say that over the last couple of weeks, extension cords, tie straps, splitters, and other necessary items to keep River Lights shining bright have gone missing from the locations where the light displays are set up.

“Our dedicated Parks Team works tirelessly to keep up with the missing items and get everything back in order, but we need your help, ” the Town said in a post on Sunday.

If you witness anything suspicious or have any information, you are asked to let the Town or police know.

“We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to resolve this issue and work to keep the festive glow for everyone to enjoy.”


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