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Lakeshore Council To Appoint Ward 2 Council Replacement

Wednesday September 11th, 2024, 3:57pm


Lakeshore Council has opted to appoint a replacement to fill the Ward 2 Council seat vacancy after the passing of Councillor Paddy Byrne earlier this year.

At the meeting, the Council was presented with a number of options available to fill the vacancy, based on the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, including a by-election and appointing someone.

Council selected the appointment of the following Ward 2 candidate from the 2022 municipal election. Lakeshore’s Clerk will contact the candidate, Michael Hoffman, to seek written confirmation of qualification and determine if there is interest in accepting the appointment. If the candidate is still eligible and interested in serving as a Councillor, an appointment by-law will be presented to Council, and the candidate can be sworn into office.

“This was a report and decision that no Council ever wants to consider, and it made for a difficult deliberation. We miss Councillor Byrne every day, and I want to thank my fellow Council members for the thoughtful debate,” said Mayor Tracey Bailey. “I believe we have made the right decision to ensure the citizens of Ward 2 have a Councillor to represent them in many of the critical decisions we have coming up.”

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