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Atura Power Adopts The College Avenue Bike Trail

Friday July 19th, 2024, 3:21pm


Atura Power is looking to adopt the College Avenue Bike Trail under the Adopt-a-Park or Trail Policy.

The College Avenue Bike Trail is located in Ward 2 and has an approximate area of 3.36 hectares. Currently, the parklands are mostly grass, with a tree-lined multi-use recreational trail from Brock to Prince.

Atura Power, which owns and operates the Brighton Beach Generating Station, is sponsoring events to clean up the subject Park four times a year as per the Adopt-A-Park or Trail Policy. They also entered into a donation agreement with the City of Windsor on February 28th, 2024 and are contributing $7,000 annually for the next five years.

They also entered into a donation agreement with Atura Power for 21 solar lights for the trail.

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