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 Health Unit Encourages Students To Join The Break The Vape Challenge

Monday February 12th, 2024, 11:13am


The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has launched the Break the Vape Challenge, with the goal raise youth awareness of the health effects of vaping.

The Break the Vape Challenge is a Public Service Announcement video contest. The WECHU encourages local students in grades 6 to 12 to use their voices to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping and to expose the sneaky marketing tactics of the tobacco industry.

Until March 8th, 2024, students are challenged to create and upload a 30-second PSA video. Videos can be submitted in English or French and should include one Break the Vape Fact and Call to Action, which are available on the Break the Vape webpage. Video submissions will be reviewed, and youth judges will select the top 5 videos from each division (Grade 6 to 8 and Grade 9 to 12). Starting April 15, the public will have a chance to vote for the winners. Prizes will be awarded for the top voted videos and to the publicly funded schools with the highest participation rates.

Kristy McBeth, Director of Public Health Programs, says that young people are often unaware of the health effects of vapour products and nicotine. “Participating in the Break the Vape Challenge encourages students to use their creative skills to develop messaging from youth for youth. This youth engagement approach has been shown to resonate with their peers, parents, and the community, increasing awareness of the dangers of youth vaping.”

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