Lakeshore Purchases Former Stoney Point Tavern
Friday July 7th, 2023, 2:06pm
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Lakeshore has pucrahed the former Stoney Point Tavern property. The building, located at 7340 Tecumseh Road, will be demolished later this year and the land will form part of Stoney Point Community Park.
“The purchase of this property is the next step for Stoney Point Community Park. As a Council, we know that the residents of Stoney Point/Point-aux-Roche have been eager to find out what the future holds. We appreciate everyone’s patience, and we are excited to finally be able to make this announcement,” said Mayor Tracey Bailey.
In the Spring of 2022, Lakeshore launched phase one of a two-part community visioning exercise for residents and users to help identify potential improvements to the park and its amenities.
Feedback from the initial round of visioning identified the need for a public access point off Tecumseh Road, which prompted Council to direct Administration to investigate potential solutions, including the purchase of adjacent properties.
The cost of property acquisition was $350,000, which will be funded from Lakeshore’s Parkland Dedication Reserve Fund.
With the purchase of the property complete, the second round of community visioning will kick off later this year with a public open house and online survey in the Fall. Community members will be asked to review and comment on two draft concept plans which were developed based on feedback from phase one of the visioning process.
To learn more about the Stoney Point Community Park visioning process, review background information, and sign up for project updates, visit