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#MapleFest – A ‘Bucket List’ Adventure

Saturday March 4th, 2023, 10:55am


#MapleFest – A ‘Bucket List’ Adventure

This year’s Maple Syrup Festival in #YQG is mega-sized and kicks off on March 4. It spans three weekends – including both weekends of March Break. As the temperatures warm during the day and remain cold at night, the sweet sap Canadians love flows from the trees through the spiles and is collected in buckets (see what we did there?).

Indigenous, pioneer and modern maple making techniques will all be demonstrated throughout the weekend. And, one of the most iconic experiences of the festival, is the taste of maple taffy, created when boiling syrup is poured on the cold snow.

This year’s #MapleFest has uniquely themed weekends, so you can visit all six days and experience something new each time! Lumberjack Weekend features Axe Throwing with Bad Axe, the Lumberjack Costume Contest and Family Lumber Games. The Boast-Worthy Beard and Moustache contest is back, inspired by John R. Park Jr. and his fabulous facial hair.

Not sure how you feel about a beard and moustache contest? Don’t worry, it will grow on you!

And, does your closet feature a rainbow of plaid? Is your toque collection to-die-for? When you slumber, do you dream of lumber? Then Sunday’s Lumberjack Costume Contest is the place for you. Prizes for Lumberkids, Traditional and Hipster LumberFolks.

Tasters’ Weekend is an epicurean adventure of epic proportions! Agricultural partners will feature their maple-infused local products, while a variety of the culinary geniuses for which Windsor-Essex is so well known will provide maple inspired samples and sales at the Tasters’ Tent at Holiday Beach.

Beyond Flapjacks

If you think pure maple syrup is just for pancakes, you’ll need to think again. Maple popcorn, maple walnut cinnamon buns, grilled cheese with maple reduction, maple sweet cheddar cheese, maple pecan butter tarts, maple sangria, wood fired dark maple, bacon and apple pizza, maple pot de crème dessert, and maple fudge croissants are just some of the innovative eats you can find at the Festival or at stops along the #MapleTrail.

And speaking of the #MapleTrail…

Brand new this year: a #MapleTrail loop connecting the two Festival sites will feature ten wineries, restaurants and shops to make your maple dreams come true! Sign up for your free pass and visit at least two locations to be entered into the draw to win one of three sweet maple prize packs valued at $120.


Did you know there are actually 4 different classifications of maple syrup? They range from golden to amber, dark and very dark.  The colour of maple syrup depends on a number of factors, including the age of the tree, the amount of sugar, the soil compounds and the time in the season.  The darker the syrup, the stronger it will taste. What’s your favourite?


Backyard maple syrup making has grown in popularity and we’re excited to again host the Backyard Maple Syrup Maker’s competition. Local, commercial maple producer, Rob Nadeau of Ruscom Maple Products (Lakeshore Ontario), will adjudicate submissions based on flavour, density, colour, and clarity.

He’ll also offer tips on tapping your own backyard trees and how to extract the best flavour from your maple trees.

Dress for the Day

Pull out all your plaid for this awesome maple adventure, but don’t forget to dress for the weather! Early spring can mean mud, snow, rain and everything in between, so please be sure to wear your boots and layers for this outdoor experience.

All the Maple Fun

There are few things more synonymous with our Canadian identities than maple, so come on out to experience the culture and tradition associated with this sweet first taste of spring. Fun for all ages, and so much do learn and experience. See you at #MapleFest!

Sponsored story by ERCA. Check out the Maple Festival page for more information!

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