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Three Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

Saturday April 9th, 2022, 10:55am


Spring has sprung and with it comes an extra appreciation for this planet we call home. Birds chirping, flowers growing and the smell of an April shower in the air. Windsor Essex has several options for you to celebrate Earth Day 2022.

Earth Day Windsor Essex 2022

Earth Day Windsor Essex will be held at Malden Park Sunday April 24th and features exhibitors, vendors, and activities to help inspire and guide us to “Invest in Our Planet.” Please join online and in person. We hope to see you there!

In partnership with Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA), residents will again be able to use the GooseChase app to participate in an educational, inspirational and exciting activity! Each day between April 17 and 30, the app will feature unique missions on environmental themes, including biodiversity, waste diversion, climate change, active transportation, wastewater and the Detroit River. These missions will help us to discover local actions to invest in a healthy, sustainable Windsor-Essex, all from the safety of your home, backyard or neighbourhood, and they can all be completed at your own pace.


Earth Day Community Tree Planting

Essex Region Conservation is inviting everyone to help plant more than 2,000 native trees in the City of Windsor. Trees generously supported by Enwin Utilities.

There are three planting shifts to choose from Sunday April 24th including 10am to 11am, 11:30am to 12:30pm and 1pm to 2pm. You can expect to plant three to five trees per individual at this year’s celebration. Event will take place rain or shine, and will be delayed because of severe weather only.


Dark Sky Nights

Explore the park after dark and experience the dark skies of Point Pelee National Park. You will have the opportunity to stay late Saturday April 23rd and experience the park at night. Visitors can pick up a seasonal star chart at the front gate upon arrival. The park is open until midnight, unless otherwise stated.

However you choose to celebrate Earth Day, take a moment to stop and smell a flower, take shade under a tree or enjoy the sound of waves lapping at the shore.

Sponsored story by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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