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Health Unit COVID-19 Cases & Outbreaks Update For Friday

Friday April 1st, 2022, 1:03pm


Hello time traveller!!
This article is 847 days old.
The information listed below is likely outdated and has been preserved for archival purposes.

The Windsor Essex County Health Unit announced 101 new high risk cases of COVID-19 in Windsor and Essex County on Friday. Testing is still limited to high risk individuals only the province estimates actual COVID-19 cases are around 10 times higher than what is being reported.

Total Cases & Active Cases

Total overall cases increased from 39,903 on Thursday, March 31st to 40,001 on Friday, April 1st.

There are 383 high-risk cases of COVID-19 currently active in Windsor-Essex (increase of 21 active cases since yesterday).


Here’s the Health Unit’s vaccination update for today (residents of Windsor-Essex).

  • 356,453 people have received at least one dose of a vaccine (+51 since yesterday)
  • 344,179 people have received both doses of a vaccine (+100 since yesterday)
  • 193,219 people have received a 3rd dose/booster shot of a vaccine (+158 since yesterday)

Vaccination Percentages

  • 86.3 per cent of Windsor-Essex residents (ages 5+) have received at least one dose of a vaccine (increase of < 0.1 per cent since yesterday)
  • 83.4 per cent of Windsor-Essex residents (ages 5+) are fully vaccinated (increase of < 0.1 per cent since yesterday)
  • 50.9 per cent of Windsor-Essex residents (ages 18+) have received a 3rd dose/booster (increase of < 0.1 per cent since yesterday)

Getting A Vaccine

  • For information about vaccines and getting vaccinated locally, visit


The Health Unit announced one additional death from COVID-19 bringing the local death toll to 593. They say a man in his 80s from a long-term care home passed away.


The Health Unit lists 40 hospitalizations today (increase of 4), and 2 of those hospitalizations are in the ICU.

Cases listed at local hospitals (note: these numbers are not updated at the same time as the Health Unit’s):

  • Windsor Regional Hospital
    • 33 total in hospital, including the ICU, with confirmed COVID-19 (decrease of 2)
      • 24 fully vaccinated (decrease of 2)
      • 3 partially vaccinated
      • 6 unvaccinated
      • 21 of those in hospital, including the ICU, are being treated for COVID-19 (increase of 1)
        • 18 fully vaccinated
        • 0 partially vaccinated
        • 3 unvaccinated (increase of 1)
    • 1 total in the ICU, with confirmed COVID-19 (decrease of 2)
      • 1 fully vaccinated (decrease of 2)
      • 0 partially vaccinated
      • 0 unvaccinated
      • 1 of those in the ICU are being treated for COVID-19 (decrease of 1)
        • 1 fully vaccinated (decrease of 1)
        • 0 partially vaccinated
        • 0 unvaccinated
  • Erie Shores hospital in Leamington
    • Being primarily treated for COVID-19:
      • 0 fully vaccinated
      • 2 unvaccinated
    • Not being primarily treated for COVID-19, and asymptomatic:
      • 0 fully vaccinated
      • 1 unvaccinated
  • Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare
    • 5 cases

Workplace Outbreaks/Community Outbreaks

  • Congregate setting
    • 3 outbreaks in Windsor (1 less outbreak)
    • 1 outbreak in Leamington
    • 1 outbreak in Kingsville
    • 1 outbreak in Tecumseh

Hospital Outbreaks

  • Windsor Regional Hospital – Metropolitan – 6N
    • Under outbreak since March 28th, 2022
    • 7 total cases
  • Erie Shores Healthcare – Medsurge/2 Centre (outbreak ended)
  • Windsor Regional Hospital – Ouellette – MED 7E
    • Under outbreak since March 24th, 2022
    • 3 total cases

Long-term Care / Retirement Home Outbreaks

Note: the Health Unit lists total cases for current outbreaks, not the number of active cases.

  • Berkshire Care Centre (Windsor)
    • Under outbreak since March 12th, 2022
    • 2 resident cases
    • 1 staff case
    • 10 unknown cases (3 new cases)
  • Chateau Park Long Term Care Home (Windsor)
    • Under outbreak since March 14th, 2022
    • 5 resident cases
    • 5 staff cases
    • 23 unknown cases
  • Riverside Place
    • Under outbreak since March 27th, 2022
  • Seacliff Manor (Leamington)
    • Under outbreak since March 18th, 2022
    • 2 resident cases
    • 3 staff case
    • 3 unknown cases
  • Devonshire Retirement Residence
    • Under outbreak since March 23rd, 2022
    • 3 resident cases
    • 1 staff cases (1 new case)
    • 28 unknown cases (17 new cases)
  • Seasons Royal Oak Village
    • Under outbreak since March 28th, 2022
    • 0 resident cases
    • 0 staff cases
    • 2 unknown cases

Note: windsoriteDOTca News makes every effort to track the changes in COVID-19 data each day. These numbers are subject to change as the Health Unit makes changes to their numbers throughout each day, and errors and omissions sometimes occur with their data. Please see this page for the latest, most up to date data throughout each day.

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