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Five Must Do’s This Holiday Season

Saturday December 4th, 2021, 10:55am


We think it goes without saying that everyone is looking forward to a bit of down time this holiday season as 2021 nears a close.  And though things look different this year, it doesn’t mean that we can’t find a few ways to enjoy the last few weeks of the year. We’ve put together five great ways to enjoy the last half of December and get ready for a new year to arrive.


DYK that Tourism Windsor Essex is offering exclusive hotel discounts and BONUS offers for the holiday season at participating hotels in Windsor? Check out Home for the Holidays to check out participating hotels. Book just one night at any hotel and you’ll instantly receive a $50 VISA gift card for free at check in (or other offers outside of Windsor).

Whether it’s a quiet place for your visiting family and friends to stay while they’re in town or for a mini-staycation during the holidays for yourself, these deals are limited. Book your room today!


Local retailers and small businesses still need our support! Many are offering virtual shopping experiences, curbside pickup or local delivery and shipping to help you find the perfect little something even when we can’t be in-store shopping!  So make that list and check it twice and then let our local makers, artisans, and retailer help you make some spirits bright! Why not think ahead! Gift cards for future services like haircuts, manicures, massages and fitness classes are also great ways to support our local businesses and show someone (or yourself!) that you care. If you are stumped for ideas, let us help with our 2021 Holiday Gift Guide! 


Grab the family and some hot cocoa and hop in the car to cruise the streets! There are FOUR light festivals to enjoy across the region, including:

  • Bright Lights Windsor through January 9th at Jackson Park
  • Kingsville Fantasy of Lights through January 1st at Lakeside Park
  • LaSalle Holiday Lights through January 9th at the LaSalle Civic Centre
  • River Lights Winter Festival through December 31st in downtown Amherstburg

You can check out all the details on our Holiday Lights Guide which lists where you can find some bright lights across Windsor Essex streets, parks and more.  It also includes some home & other community displays. Download the maps and games to make a light cruise your family’s new favourite holiday activity!


One of our favourite traditions is Holiday Movie Night with a mix of the classics, cartoons and the new mushy rom-coms.  It’s the perfect excuse to call up your favourite restaurant(s) and order up some take out! Use our handy Take Out & Delivery guide to plan your festive feast!   While we are on the subject of cooking (or rather not cooking) take a gander at our Holiday Dinner & Catering Guide where our local restaurants, chefs and caterers offer up both family-based and individually packaged holiday meals to save you the trouble and to pretty much guarantee that you’ll love your holiday meal.  With options for heat & serve, brunch, dinner and more you’ll happily volunteer to do the dishes year!


If you’re looking for unique and hand made head out to our local market & artisan events and support local. Check out our W.E. Made It Markets Guide for a list of events happening all across the region featuring local artisans and makers. At the same time that you find the perfect gift – you’ll also be supporting a local small business & entrepreneur, and most of the time its a one-of-a-kind gift you’ll be giving!

Take a look at everything going on in the region this year with the Tourism Windsor Essex Holiday Guide at

Sponsored story by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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