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Local Expert Blog: Plan A Drive-Thru Holiday Party

Saturday November 20th, 2021, 10:55am


Organizing a party for your staff to celebrate the holidays is already a big task. Coupled with health restrictions, party planning has become quite tricky.

For businesses with large teams, finding a place to host everyone safely will be the biggest challenge. One solution to the problem is to host a drive-thru holiday party, which will keep all employees safe.

Here’s what you will need to pull off your drive-thru holiday party:

1. Take cover.

Holding your event outside is one way to keep the party alive. Make your team feel comfortable by protecting them from inclement weather by installing a tent. Now, when they stop their car to pick up their goodies, Mother Nature can’t crash the party.

Note: When renting your tent, share your plans to ensure you are getting a tent that fits your needs.

2. Everyone loves a treat.

Provide your team with something salty or sweet! Rent a popcorn or cotton candy machine to hand out at your holiday get together. With treats like these, it’s easy to keep the celebration safe by individually wrapping the popcorn or cotton candy in treat bags.

3. A gift from the workplace Santa.

If you plan on handing out gifts to each of your team members, plan ahead. You can make little gift baskets containing the gift and the treat bags mentioned above. That way, if you have a long line of employees waiting for their turn, you can hand off everything in one go. Wish them a happy holiday and get them on their way.

It may not be the same as dancing the night away like you normally would, but it’s always nice to take the time to show your team you appreciate all their hard work.

Sponsored story by Festival. To learn more, follow them on FacebookTwitterLinkedInor visit their website. Kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-737-9200.


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