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Local Expert Blog: How To Pick Blog Topics That Resonate With Your Target Audience

Saturday November 6th, 2021, 10:55am


Incorporating blogs into your online presence, specifically on your website, is one way to share information and insight with your target audience. Not to mention, it’s an excellent way to strengthen your SEO.

Nevertheless, much thought should go into developing a blog, specifically regarding topic selection. Remember, the goal is to ensure the subject matter is appropriate for your business and is of interest to your consumer.

Here are three tips to keep in mind when choosing a blog topic:

  1. Refer to your consumer avatar(s). 

Suppose you want to write a blog that appeals to your ideal consumer. In that case, you’ll want to refer to your consumer avatar(s). Remember, consumer avatars are a reference point, so don’t hesitate to pull them out. Writing with your target audience in mind is one sure-fire way of avoiding ambiguous or general copy. More specifically, your avatar should remind you of what your consumer cares about when it comes to your product or service, which is a great place to start.

  1. Create a conversation map. 

Part of your content strategy should include a conversation map. A conversation map helps determine and outline what you and your team should and shouldn’t be talking about and how often. Start by listing all the topics or keywords you want and don’t want your copy or messaging to cover. Of course, these should always be areas of interest relevant to your target audience. (Take out those consumer avatars!)

The exercise is bound to produce a long list of topic ideas or themes that can inform your blog schedule.

  1. Keep your brand truth and promise in mind.  

Ask yourself, what does your business deliver that is unique? How will the product or service change the lives of others? In fact, why does your business exist? The answer to those questions is what sets you apart from your competitors. The answers should always be at the forefront of what you communicate.

The above points aren’t just applicable to the copy, of course. So, keep these tips in mind when choosing your tags, categories, and featured image.

At SKO Communications Inc., we aim to create strong brands with a consistent and cohesive message across all platforms and mediums. The best way to ensure consistency is to take the time to stop, reflect, and review your research, avatars, key messages, and positioning statements.

Happy blog writing!

Sponsored story by SKO Communications. To learn more, follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn or visit their website. Or, kick it old school by giving them a call at 519-992-6564.

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