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Pick Your Own Apples Guide

Saturday September 18th, 2021, 10:55am


Nothing says Fall quite like a fresh baked pie.

As the days get shorter and cozier, and with our bounty of fresh apples and pumpkins this time of year, it’s only natural that pie is on many a Thanksgiving menu.  Apple pie is one of our favourite comfort foods – serve it a-la-mode with vanilla ice cream, drizzle it with warm caramel sauce, or top it with a slice of sharp cheddar.

Pick Your Own!

The type of apple definitely makes a difference – luckily crisp, juicy apples such as Jonagold, Honeycrisp or Ambrosia are currently in season and great for baking.  Make sure to take a look through our Pick Your Own Guide to see where and when you can visit our local growers to fill your baskets with apples, pumpkins, squash and more! Don’t forget to download our free, digital W.E. Heart Local passport as well to help you discover where you can pick up locally grown fruits & vegetables this harvest season.

It all starts at the bottom

Making a homemade pie crust would be the optimal way to create any pie  – you’ll want to ensure that you make a double crust recipe so that you can add a beautiful lattice top to your creation.  If time doesn’t permit to make your own,  inquire at your local bakeshop for ready-made dough or find a frozen shell at your favourite grocery stop.  Try your hand at lattice or cut some shapes to decorate the top.

The Best Apple Pie Ever


  • 1 double pie crust recipe or 2 purchased pie crusts (soften at room temperature)
  • 5-6 Jonagold or Honeycrisp apples, peeled, sliced, and cored
  • 1 stick butter
  • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 heaping tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

1). Place the peeled, cored, and sliced apples in a large bowl. Set aside.

2). Preheat oven to 375F.

3). In a medium sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add the 3 tbsp of flour and mix well, forming a paste. Add the water, sugars, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla and mix well. Bring to a boil for 1 minute, then reduce heat to a simmer for an additional minute.

4). Remove from heat and reserve about 1/3 cup of filling for pie crust. Add remaining filling to apples. Toss well.

5). Pour apples into prepared pie crust, mounding slightly. Drizzle the lemon juice over the apples.

6.) Top with second pie crust (make sure to cut slits to vent the steam) or weave 1″ strips into a pretty lattice design. press edges to seal top crust to the bottom.

7.) Brush the remaining 1/3 cup caramel filling over the crust.

8).  Place the pie on top of a cookie sheet (to catch any drips) and bake at 375 for 55-60 minutes.

Allow the pie to cool before serving.

Keep the Kitchen Clean

If you’re a bit scared of the baking process, why not let someone else do the baking and pick up homemade pies, handmade with love! Using produce straight from the orchard or field, serve your guests something that you know they are going to enjoy – making it the perfect ending to your Thanksgiving feast.

Take & Bake

Although our Pick Your Own Guide is a great roadmap to discovering all the local farms and orchards offering you the experience of harvesting your own – you can also discover where pre-picked apples are available if you want to skip the hard work and just enjoy the family-friendly fall activities like the corn maze or pumpkin patch!

Fall brings with it so many great things including apple picking, pumpkin patching and all the homemade treats you can make with your harvest! So grab Grandma’s recipe or use ours and try your hand at a sweet something to share with family and friends.

Make sure to stay tuned to our W.E. Heart Local In Season page to see what’s available and where you can find it and enjoy coming up with your own creations all year long!

Sponsored story by Tourism Windsor Essex. For more details on Tourism Windsor Essex click their website, or visit them on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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